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The Hot New 2014 Theme for WordPress All the posts I did while traveling the globe at carbonboy.com got lost and even though no one cares, I still have them…
The Hot New 2014 Theme for WordPress All the posts I did while traveling the globe at carbonboy.com got lost and even though no one cares, I still have them…
That somewhat minor scene from the iconic movie The Graduate has lived on and I would only speculate it had something later to do with Frank Zappa composing the song…
The Alfred and Helen Smith Family - Top to Right: Robert, Delores (mom), Eldon, Bottom to Right: Adeline, Helen, Alfred and Eugene I got a request from my Uncle Gene…
If your auto is going to be clobbered with snow – your driveway is about the best place for it! We are fortunate here up in the higher elevations, as…
One wonders if there will ever be another such phenomena? I stayed up to watch the entire CBS Special tonight. I actually recall sitting in front of a black and…
A swollen Indian Creek - likely insignificant of what it was 10,000 years ago when it forged out this valley! From Wikipedia: The Great Indian War and Trading Path, or the Seneca Trail…
It’s bad enough these poor animals end up as hamburger – but this ain’t nothing compared to what Montana cows endure! Well, my little pocket of the world got hit…
Likely a copyright violation, but likely the owners don't mind! Perhaps it’s because of the New Year; perhaps it’s because I got through my annual physical with all body parts…