Surf & Turf to Overcome a SAD Day

So glad eating meat is “in” again, and for the Alaskan King Crab Season 

A long hard week is over and one more remains. I just got through the 2nd Season Finale of the Sopranos and it ended on an upbeat happy note with bitter overtones of darkness to come (yes, I am that far behind on my cult TV watching).

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But those goodies work better with some real food!

 The Packers can’t seem to break a “tradition” in Buffalo, NY! Oh well.

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Grass fed beef and a really big king crab claw – hmmm!

The weather has been bleak but bearable. It’s funny, as I just read there’s a “condition” that may occur this time of year: Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known, of course, as SAD! I think I have a touch of that.

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Now this came out way better than I expected – and really I ate only half of it!

But screw that – if the crappy weather is affecting your well-being celebrate with some good food (and friends of course). I feel much better already! Next week, I could hop a plane to anywhere (likely warm).


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