Time to clean out all the older open stuff in the freezer.
- 1 Small Ahi Tuna Fillet (always a good value & close to fresh medium-rare).
- French Fries that I brought only to test one of those Air Fryers – and never did.
- Whole Green Beans (I keep on-hand with spaghetti & meatballs).
- A few gut-healthy condiments.

I brought this Air Fryer really discounted after the holidays and used it only once before. French Fries are pure junk food, but at least not deep-fried.

There is good frozen fish out there. Tuna is one and most white fish such as Cod. This is a perfect potion size for someone working from home.

With the Air Fryer providing the aroma of French fries, it’s time to steam the beans (with a few carrots tossed in).

Add a splash of low-sodium soy to sear in the favor.

And wow – dinner in less than 12 minutes. The meal came out surprisingly tasty for the oldest stuff in the freezer. And now my freezer is free from anything open & old.