Enter the Brennan B3 (Yet Another) New Project that will Take Some Time
I don’t recall the last time I played a CD, and forget I had two state-of-the-art (for their day) CD Players packed away. I brought home two boxes loaded with CDs, many purchased with an equal number of custom play lists sent by my cousin Jim over the years.

So, what to do with them? Load them all onto a Brennan B3, a Hard Disk CD Ripper & Recorder, Storage and Player with Bluetooth, Internet Radio, Stereo Power Amplifier, NAS, Wav, Lossless (FLAC) and MP3.

Marin Brennan is one of those somewhat eccentric British engineers that came up with this cool gadget that can identify and label some tracks once ripped to the hard drive. Like all my projects, I have no timeline in getting this done. I guess it depends how much effort it takes to label the tracks that are not discovered.