Winter Solstice 2019

Winter Solstice 2019

I am living on a unique geographical region in the Monterrey Bay with some of the most intense sand dunes in the region. I love it here. I am home.

And down the bluff is one of the most fertile regions on earth, the Salinas Garden Valley. And all around is the “Grapes of Wrath” and “Cannery Row” in their living moments.

To the north is Moss Landing, with an ancient river that furrows into the depths of the Pacific Ocean. There are so many undiscovered mysteries in deep in the bay

I am really happy that tomorrow the days get longer. Perhaps that is why the Solstice has merit over the eons.

I love rocks and their imbedded minerals. Here’s a few to be added to my 2020 Zen Rock Garden (my backyard is an empty sandlot to become that garden).


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