Withering Heights

I missed this opportunity as billions of summer wild flowers were in bloom this last week – and then the heat came!

I was in Piney Point this weekend after I shut off the air conditioning for a week and man was it hot inside – 95 degrees F to be precise. That damn air conditioner ran for 24 hours solid just to get the temperature down to a comfortable 75.

Ah, but outside at night the breeze kicked up on the might Potomac and one clearly understood why presidents came to Piney Point in the heat of a DC summer to cool off.

Meanwhile in Blacksburg it’s a different story. Elevation, like in Santiago de Querétaro, has its merits. In this case, a cool ten degree difference, even though the locals are complaining. I drove back on Sunday afternoon experiencing one of the scariest thunderstorms ever on I-95. When the flash/boom happens at the same instance, one knows the lightning strike was dead close.

Anyway, the heat in the hills pretty much did in the summer wild flowers. Before I left they were awesome. I did capture them still alive.


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